January is a slow month for most, but not for TurboQSA. We have continued improving our application and introducing new features - such as "Not Tested" option support for Custom RFTs (SAQ and Template-controlled payment channels).
Here are some of the notable features and fixes included with the new version:
Bug fixes & improvements:
- Major assessment report UI optimization - crucial for large data sets display support on lower-end devices, achieved 50x performance improvement
- UI improvements: better phone number formatting to support US and international assessments alike
- Improvements to the DB backups list display
- Support for large file imports (up to 250MB uploads)
- Bulk workflow status update fixed for large (500+ rows) tables
- UI improvement: display scripts refresh notification on clients with a stale version of UI scripting and CSS
- Large arrays import - live status update notifications introduced
- Date Range ROC item introduced to better serve semantically appropriate data inputs
- Fixed an issue when response is requested using previously registered email address and no email is received on the client's side
- Custom RFT "N/A" override fixed - now the "All Channels" option is available in the Payment channels drop-down when the override is enacted. QA validation logic is fixed to reflect the new flow
- Section 4.10 interviewee deduplication logic fixed, removed the e-mail match criteria
New Features:
- v4.0 - Custom RFT cloning introduced for v4 of the DSS assessment
- v4.0 - Lookup functionality implemented for v4, allowing for response lookup between assessments within the same client engagement
- Report Completion date made editable (previously auto-populated, but changed due to a popular demand)
- Logic for parsing FedRAMP_rev5_MODERATE implemented, LOW and HIGH are incoming
- Custom RFT - new "Not Tested" option to better serve Payment Channels where "N/A" response is not appropriate by default
More new features are coming into production every month - stay tuned for more updates and subscribe to our LinkedIn page!